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always forgive, but never forget. learn from mistakes, but never regret.

Me & Auriga♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Time to.. Move On.

It's time to move on. Ini mungkin udah sampe titik kesabaran gue, titik tertinggi gue utk mencoba ngebenerin semuanya lagi. Gue udah gak sanggup. Gue udh hands up. Gue harus bisa ngelepasin semuanya dengan ikhlas, gue harus rela. Gue gak boleh egois. Walaupun disini, gue harus ngebiarin perasaan gue yang juga sakit. Disini, gue juga gakmau kayak gini terus. Gue hrs koensekuen, terus terus, engga engga. Tp disini, gue juga gatau mau gimana kedepannya. Apakah gue udh mampu, apakah gue belom mampu. Tp gue jg gakmau dibilang MANJA.

"Maybe tomorrow life's better
maybe tomorrow the world may smile with you
maybe tomorrow your sorrow would be gone
maybe tomorrow everything fades away

no need to regret, no need to be disappointed, no need to cry.
There's Always Tomorrow" (http://wordreligion.blogspot.com/)


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